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Clarke Apps is a small start up group dedicated to delivering fun and/or useful applications to the iOS user base. We have a number of apps already on the iTunes App Store so why not check us out? Just search for D Clarke to find out more.

Tap Play Server Downloads

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

V1.0.1 Out Now - and other news.

Hey everyone,

So it's been a few days since I reported the PTT bug we'd been having.

The simple reasoning behind this is follows.

I'm daft.

I programmed the whole app based around the idea that you tend to press a key and let go of it in MMO's. This isn't how PTT keys work, not at all. You push, and you hold.

Well this has been solved and was actually a really easy fix, hence the app's already updated (and if you haven't already, update in iTunes/App Store and download the updated servers as you need the combination to make things work properly.) but what's perhaps more interesting is that this little fix has allowed us to develop some new technology that we thought we were going to spend ages working on and is now, within the space of an hours work, almost ready to go.

That technology is the ability to fly your ship using LCARS - currently using the iPad you can fly the ship in the sense of being able to control your speed which while interesting, is not ideal.

This weekend we'll be starting initial work on converting the application into a universal App - this means that if you have both an iPad and an iPhone/iPod Touch you'll be able to use the iPad app as it exists already, and on the iPod or iPhone you'll be able to steer using a standard WASD setup. On this app as well we're also going to make room to include some basic speed controls (so those using the iPod by itself can access full navigation control) as well as access to your galaxy map.

Not enough? Well we're going to try and cram in access to shield controls as well to allow you to reinforce your shields in a firefight without reaching for the mouse or keyboard.

Unfortunately at first these expansions will be Windows only due to the way the technology works but we're going to look at adding Mac compatibility down the line. That said if you're a Mac user you'll still be able to use the iPad OR the iPod but not both at once.

We've also heard you asking for more customisation of what each key does - well we've heard it and we'll be looking into it, this will be further down the line at the minute as it's quite complex in comparison but rest assured we'll be bringing it when it's ready.

1 comment:

  1. The Wow version of the app needs more keys/globes. I use all the number keys 1-0 and the dash and equal keys. Everything is mapped on my UI to activate those keys 1 thru 12 (11 being dash and 12 being equal.
